Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

Caden's second Christmas (but first one that he got to really participate in) was spectacular! He performed like he really knew what he was doing. He woke up at 5:30 a.m. on Christmas morning when he usually gets up around 6:30-7 a.m. these days. So he was so excited to see what "Ho Ho Ho" brought that he had to be like every other kid in the world and wake up extra early. We kept him in our room until 6:30 a.m. and then finally let him see what Santa brought. He got this really big stuffed animal doggie that he loves to tackle. He was so excited!

At the park with Pop-Pop and the big cousins -

First Haircut - he was such a good boy!

Before - During - After

Loves to clean! (Here he is telling his Dad that this is going to cost him a $1.00 to clean these floors.)

Like father, like son - not much rhythm...

Here are some important updates on Caden -
1.) He can open all doors in the house now. We have lever doors so there are no safety features to prevent him from opening them except locking the door. Kind of scary!
2.) No more ba-ba's. The bottles were tossed and we survived the week without them and milk. He is a milk drinking champ now from a sippy cup.
3.) He LOVES ketchup. This is so exciting for me because his Dad HATES ketchup. He likes it so much that when he gets the opportunity to eat it he just dips his fingers in it and licks away. Love it!!
4.) He is getting his fourth tooth. The top left tooth is making its way.
5.) Most importantly...he can say "Harper". It's the most delicate, sweetest Harper you have ever heard. Wait until he finds out what "Harper" really is. Hopefully he is as excited about the real Harper as he seems to be now. Everything is Harper now though since he learned to say it.

We've been working hard on Harper's nursery and then next up will be the playroom that we decided to create in one of the spare bedrooms thanks to all the wonderful gifts Caden received for his Birthday and Christmas. Can't handle the toys in the living room any longer!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. This is the end of Caden's own blog and now he must share with his little sissy. :) Who will be here before we all know it. YEAH!
Love ~ The Lee's

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday to Caden!

It's finally here...Caden's 1st birthday!!

Can't believe he is 1 already. This truely has been the best year of our lives. And it's only going to get better.

The coolest thing Caden does now is drink from a straw. He surprised us one day when he went down to what we thought was to chew on it and up went the drink. He surprised himself too! Now he is a drink monster and we have to hide them from him during meals because that's all he wants.

He has 1 tooth coming in on top and the two on the bottom are finally all the way in. He has lots of blonde hair which his Dad is dying to cut because he says he looks like an "Oceanway baby" with his hair hanging over his ears. (For those that don't know we live near Oceanway where the people don't dress very clean, don't cut their hair and walk into stores with no shoes on...get the idea?)

Here are some pictures from the last month including the big birthday cake eating.

Thanksgiving Dinner

Learning how to carve a turkey!

(Starting him early...)

Caden's 1st Drumstick

Caden's 1st Thanksgiving. Mmmm, sweet potatoes!

The best part of the meal!

UF/FSU Game - another year of watching Daddy's team lose. Another year of listening to Mom rub the big win in Dad's face. Another year before the Stinkanoles have a chance to redeem themselves. So sad for Daddy! So happy for Caden and Mommy!

Cheering on the Gators!

The game was so boring Caden was outside playing!!!

Mommy & Grammy's proudest accomplishment...using sign language for "more"

Caden's 1st Birthday

Family birthday party (not thrilled about the messy face!)

Family and Friends birthday party (still not thrilled over the messy face! - clearly not like his mom...must be his Daddy in him!)

Up next...Christmas!! This Christmas is going to be so much fun. We can't wait. Here are a couple pictures from our photo shoot.

Love ~ The Lee's

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11 months old

Caden is officially a walker! He even got new shoes from his Pop-Pop for becoming such a big boy. Now the fun part is getting him to keep them on. We will be riding in the car and look back to a cute little boy with a shoe in one hand, a sock in the other and a HUGE smile from ear to ear. He can even stand up on his own from a sitting position without the help of something. Getting so big!!!

He has two teeth on the bottom and it looks like one coming in right now on the top. Finally! We thought he would be going to kindergarden without any teeth.
Lots going on at the Lee homefront. In addition to getting ready for all the exciting holidays, we are busy planning Caden's 1st birthday. Can you believe it's been a year already? Wow, how time flies.
Here are some pictures and a video from the last month. Enjoy!

Caden in the pumpkin patch.

Caden's 1st Halloween!

Going trick-or-treating with his big cousins.

(L- Mason, C- Breanna, R- Seth)
The new way to go trick-or-treating...

This is what I do when nobody is paying attention to me...

Standing like a big boy!

Walking like a big boy!!

Happy Fall ~ Love, The Lee's

Sunday, October 12, 2008

10 months!!

We have a sweet, sweet big boy now with 1/4 of a tooth! Caden's been working on his first tooth for the entire month. This is the slowest moving tooth ever! At least we know now that he won't be going to pre-school one day without any teeth.

The best part about this month is the kisses he gives out now. Oh how we love some full-mouth, slobbery wet kisses. He's so precious. He also gives high-fives and even will share his paci with others. How thoughtful!

Now the most important part is that we have a walker too. He cruises around holding on to things and then gets a burst of confidence and lets go. He makes it about 4-5 steps before crashing but his balance is getting better everyday. Loves to push things and hold your hand to walk.

This just can't get any better. Here are some pictures and videos of the last month. I'm sure some of them will give you a good laugh. He has quite the personality.

The lucky Noles outfit. They finally won against a real team when Caden sported this cute outfit. He will not be wearing this against the Gators. Us Gators dress even better.

Brooke teaching Caden to share. (Give me that paci little boy!)

Quick learner...sharing paci with Da-Da...
Starting him early learning how to use this thing....


Just like his Dad when he is sick...but the hair is just like his Mom's. CRAZY!

We will have another shot of this in a few years but he will really be doing the deed.

Isn't this supposed to be the other way around??? The boys are supposed to do the hard work. Guess Jason has been teaching Caden early to take advantage of the girls. :)

Big announcement coming on Wednesday. Be sure to check your e-mail to find out if Caden will have a little brother or a little sister.
Love you all!
The Lee's

Saturday, September 13, 2008

9 months!!!

So we held off on sending this on the 12th so we could include Caden's "stats" from his 9 month doctor's appt. He is now weighing in at 19.9 lbs. and is 30 in. He is in the 95th percentile for height and 30th for weight. This means is "long and lean" according to the doctor. He got an A+ on his report card there as well. He is doing everything he is supposed to be doing for a 9 month old. YIPPEE!!!
What else has little man been up to these days??? Well he loves to play ball. He can do a throw-in better then most of the kids on Jason's soccer teams. He can do a fast pitch and a change up too so there are hopes for a future MLB player.
He talks up a storm! He has mastered Ma-Ma (his first syllables!), Ba-Ba, Da-Da, Pa-Pa, and occasionally a couple others sounds mixed together to seem to be a sentence in baby language. He understands words and if you ask him to get something he goes directly to it. He is learning more and more everyday.
It appears we are FINALLY getting some tooffies. The bottom left is trying to break threw and the one next to it will probably follow shortly after. He's been good and grumpy which is unlike Caden usually so that part hasn't been fun. A little Motrin usually brings him back to himself.

Not standing on his own or walking yet but it's soon to be happening. Give him a month. This morning I stood him about 2 feet from the couch and he managed to move quickly to the couch taking baby steps. It was really cute and knew what he was doing because every time he reached the couch he clapped in excitement.
See below all our pictures and videos of Caden throughout the month. Each day he brings such joy to our lives. Hopefully these pictures will do the same to yours.

Ewwww, Caden's going to get in trouble sitting on Grammy's end table AND eating her telephone. He's definitely a climber but only does it at Grammy's house. Guess that's what grandparents are for!!!

Ribbit, Ribbit! He doesn't really do that but it looks like it in this pic. Funny boy!

First fruit pop! Loves Popsicles. It's one lick for Mom and one bite for Caden.

Sneaking away from Mom.

Knock, Knock...anybody home?

Ready for Jag season. ROAR!!!


NOW FOR THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT....For those who we have not been able to share the news with yet. Caden will have a little brother or sister!! March 3rd is the due date. Yes, we are crazy having them so close in age but it will all pay off in the long run when they can play together.

Hope everyone is doing well and we will be back in a month for more updates. Maybe we will know the sex of the new baby by then. (If I give in to finding that part out.)
The Lee's

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

8 months old

Happy 8 month b-day to my Caden! Each day just gets better and better. Unfortunately, we do not have very many pictures of him this month because it's really too difficult to get any since he is always on the go. He has grown up so much this month it's incredible. We went from army crawling and occasionally crawling on our knees to a full speed ahead crawl and cruising along the couch. At times he thinks he can walk and realizes quickly that he is not there yet. It's amazing that the videos I am attaching were taken at the beginning of the month. Now he walks like a champ with his walker toy and cruises without his knees wobbling. He holds his bottle all by himself, except I don't like to think of him as a big boy quite yet so I still hold it when I am feeding him so I can pretend he is still my little baby. He clap, clap, claps and waves "bye-bye" as well as does "so big". He's a very loud noisemaker too. He makes lots of vowels and consonants but no words yet. I'm not sure where the noisiness and talking comes from...must be his Dad. :) So as you can tell this past month has been full of excitement and new tricks. I'm sure we will have many more to report out on next month. Maybe standing on his own??? We hope all of you are doing well and enjoy our pictures of our getting big boy.

Loves to swing!

He makes the funniest faces!

Happy 1st Birthday to cousin Mac!

At Mac's 1st b-day party!!!

Daddy, Caden and Sir Bobby Bowden

Caden cruising along the couch (keep in mind he is a pro at it now!)

Diving in the's proof he has no fear in the pool.

Walking with his walker toy!